Saturday, May 3, 2008

It is that time again.

Well, the crap is packed, the kids are in bed, and I am plodding through my last 2-1/2 hours of work. Yeah baby.

I am working til midnight, then squeezing in 4 hours sleep before getting up to head to Orlando. Not much sleep, you say?? Who the frig cares???!!! I will be in Disney in 12 hours people!!!

We are pretty excited. Well, I am. The kids are unconscious at the moment. Some day I will remember that it would probably be a swell idea to take off of work the night before we leave and get some sleep myself. I was hoping the rain would cause Road Runner to have technical difficulties tonight, but no such luck. Now if I wanted to work, the connection would suck.

I have to take a shower in the morning and then throw a couple of things in the suitcase before the shuttle gets here to pick us up. In case you were wondering, of COURSE I am obsessing that they won't show up. Silly readers, that is my JOB!

John told me to leave the pedal at home and I am relieved. It is so nice to be taking the laptop for pleasure only. Normally, I drag the pedal with me, not that I ever get any work done, but at least this time I won't feel guilty about it.

I checked in for the flight this morning at the ass crack of dawn, but at least I had the good sense to go to bed a little earlier last night.

It appears I am now rambling with excitement, so I will stop before you all attempt to hang yourselves with the mouse cord.

I will be posting all week, hopefully with pictures if vacation laziness does not overtake me.

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