Thursday, January 3, 2008

My commercial vent...

Okay, the animals are caged for the night, so I can actually think straight.

I am going to vent in this post. Mainly because my husband is sick of hearing it. Lucky you.

There is a commercial floating around right now, probably on Discovery Channel or Court TV, since that is all I usually watch at 3 a.m. It is for a cutter, one of those long things with the ruler and the little blade that slides, the kind used mainly for scrapbooking. This particular one has attempted to stand out by offering a light so you can see where the line is to cut.

Great, sounds like a great product, no venting there. What bugs the CRAP outta me about this commercial is that in the beginning, the announcer says something about how hard it is to cut a straight line with scissors.

I agree, Mr. Announcer, it is a bitch. My issue? The visual. Someone is cutting apart wallet sized photos with scissors. They cut SO badly. Honestly, I am one of the worst cutters I know. Never ever ever straight. But even I can cut pictures apart without beheading the people in the picture. Gainey (my 4-year-old) could do a better job than whatever nut they hired for the scene.

So, Light Cutter Company: You have a nice product. I might have bought one. Until you insulted my intelligence with your exaggerations of scissor-cutting problems.

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